The Brief...

"In the solution stage, you will unleash your creativity and generate innovative ideas that address the problem stage by creating and responding to your own design brief. This is your opportunity to design and deliver impactful fashion communications and promotion outcomes that push the boundaries of industry standards"

My Response...

The Probelm 

A significant proportion of men experience feelings of being overwhelmed and out of place in creative environments, often avoiding them due to the predominantly female presence. This can be attributed primarily to the limited availability of spaces dedicated to their specific needs and desires for community engagement, as well as the relentless scrutiny and societal pressure to conform to a particular form of expression and creative identity.

The Aim 

The aim is to expand the range of community spaces accessible to men, which promote creativity in its most authentic form, foster enduring relationships, and establish an open and transparent communication platform. This initiative aims to directly address the needs of the male community, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their interests are represented.

The Need

Being a member of a community extends beyond mere documentation. It encompasses mindset and comfort. Given the increasing prevalence of male isolation and mental health issues, it is crucial to endorse initiatives that facilitate their unity and effectively equip them with the necessary resources to foster self-assurance in their authentic selves.

Skills I Have Learnt...

Tailored Communication: Adapting my communication style to my target audience, ensuring the report is understandable and engaging for both technical and non-technical readers.

Self-Motivation: Taking initiative and independently managing my workload, and staying motivated throughout the project.

Problem-Solving: Anticipating and overcoming challenges that arise during the my research and design process.

Planning and Research: Defining the project scope, conducting thorough research on my chosen topic, and developing a clear research question or objective.

Design Principles: Understanding and applying design principles like composition, color theory, and typography to create visually compelling and informative reports.

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