The Brief...

"Your CoLab creative brief is a hypothetical collaborative project between two Nottingham businesses – Wigflex and Castle Rock."

My Response...

I have developed a design concept focused on fostering new relationships to enhance confidence and engagement in unfamiliar social settings. The concept comprises three distinct beer labels aimed at serving as icebreakers and dismantling barriers associated with forging new friendships.It's about believing in the art of effective communication, fostering genuine connection, and embracing the present moment.

Skills I Have Learnt...

Brand Analysis: Deepening my understanding of the two existing brands, including their target audience, brand values, positioning, and current challenges.

Audience Research: Conducting research to understand the existing audience's preferences, what resonates with them,and why they might be disengaged. Carrying out surveys, focus groups and social media analysis.

Identifying Trends: Staying up-to-date on current trends and cultural shifts that could be relevant to the brands and their target audience.

Concept Development: Refining my initial ideas into a well-developed concept with clear goals, target audience, and execution strategy.

Storytelling: Crafting a compelling narrative that connects with the audience on an emotional level and resonates with the brands' messaging.

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