The Brief...

"You will work on a short research project as a team to build your primary methodologies and confidence before individually undertaking a research project into your own area of interest with fashion identity. You will then come back together as a team with your newfound data and work on collating this into a harmonious outcome for an exhibition."

My Response...

"Pick Your Player" exemplifies the dynamism of contemporary fashion within a futuristic context. The visual format of the images provides a glimpse into the potential evolution of fashion, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence technology. The concept of the placebo effect was integrated into the research process, exploring how these varied styles affect our human perception and emotions.

Pick your player or choose your emotions to begin your day. Various technologies and fashion items provide individuals with the opportunity to explore their identity. This grants people the flexibility to change their appearance on a daily basis, if desired. The project aims to showcase the multitude of possibilities that the fashion world offers in a playful and engaging environment. The theme originates from four key research pillars: Feeling Blue, the popularity of Nike Trainers, the historical significance of the Blazer, and the concept of Transhumanism. All of these pillars revolve around identity and the emotions associated with color and silhouette in the realm of fashion.

Skills I Have Learnt... 

Research skills (finding and evaluating information): The ability to find relevant information from a variety of sources and assess its credibility.

Adaptability and flexibility: Being able to adjust to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges.

Active listening: Paying close attention to what others are saying and understanding their point of view.

Project planning and organisation: Developing a plan for completing a project, including setting goals, timelines, and milestones.

Conflict resolution: Identifying and resolving disagreements within a group in a constructive manner.

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