The Brief...

"You have been commissioned by the jewellery brand “all we are” to produce a film and an event that celebrate their audience and/or their ethos. Jewellery should be the hero of the story."

My Response...

As a collective, we have formulated the idea of celebrating unconventional glamour through the embrace of individuality. Our concept centres around the essence of freedom and self-expression within the realm of personal style. This principle harmoniously merges the realms of art and the creative process of embracing experimentation.

One of our main inspirations for the concept was derived from a specific scene in the film "Wild Child." We aimed to capture and recreate the playful narrative of a girl embarking on a quest to find the perfect outfit that truly embodies her personality.The film followed a girl who became inspired by various pieces of jewellery, evoking a contrasting sense of glamour that she then explored and experimented with

We showcased a diverse range of All We Are jewellery pieces to demonstrate the array of styles, colours, and looks that can be achieved was crucial in comprehending the brand's values and image. Overall, we produced a short film titled "Who Are We" with the intention of documenting this concept and emphasising the significance of embracing various forms of glamour through individuality.

Skills I Have Learnt...

Videography: Demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of videography principles such as shot composition, camera angles, and lighting in order to produce exceptional visual content. I have honed my expertise in camera operation.

Editing: I acquired the skills necessary to operate video editing software proficiently, thereby allowing me to effectively organize the footage, incorporate music and sound effects, and produce a refined end result.

Marketing and Advertising : I have acquired valuable insights into marketing and advertising strategies aimed at promoting the short film and, ultimately, the jewelry brand.

Collaboration: Working effectively with various team members, such as videographers, editors, actors, and stylists, to bring our vision to life.

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